Welcome to Vic Welsh
Croeso i Vic Welsh

Vic Welsh – Australia’s World Class Welsh Choir

We are Victoria Welsh Choir (Vic Welsh for short), a traditional Welsh men's choir.  As the most Welsh Welsh men's choir in Australia:

  • At least 25% of what we sing is in Welsh (it's in our constitution) - often it's a lot more
  • Our Musical Director since 1994, Faleiry Koczkar OAM, is a native Welsh speaker
  • We hold weekly Welsh pronunciation classes and have been complimented on our pronunciation by audiences in Wales
  • Our appearances in the Welsh National Eisteddfod in 1999 and 2004 were the first by any expatriate Welsh choir since 1929
  • We have led the singing at Cymanfa Ganu Hymn Festivals held by the Welsh Church in Melbourne since our foundation
  • Every four years or so we go on a concert tour to Wales and sing with local choirs.
In our green jackets, dinner suits or black shirts, we have brought hwyl to audiences in Melbourne, Victoria (south-east Australia) and beyond since we were founded by seven Welshmen in 1980.

Upcoming Vic Welsh Performances
Cyngherddau ar Ddod

If you like Victoria Welsh Choir's recordings you will love the atmosphere and sheer hwyl at our concerts.  To make sure you don't miss us when we come to your part of Melbourne, Victoria or the world, watch this space.


Saturday 31 August 2.00pm

Saturday 31st August 2.00pm Vic Welsh Choir at St Mary's Worship Centre, 7-19 O'Shanassy St, Sunbury.

 Tickets $40, concession $35, available at www.trybooking.com/CTHFO.



Recent audience comments include:

Nothing like the mellowness of a male choir.

Have heard the choir before and I loved the performance so had to come again

Fantastic performance - made me nostalgic

Loved audience participation. Enjoyed stories and jokes.

Well done (as it always is).

So glad I finally made a performance.

Enjoy - Mwynhewch!

The rotating photos at the top of the screen are by Arts Photography Belinda.

Welcome to Vic Welsh
Croeso i Vic Welsh

Vic Welsh – Australia’s World Class Welsh Choir

We are Victoria Welsh Choir (Vic Welsh for short), a traditional Welsh men's choir.  As the most Welsh Welsh men's choir in Australia:

  • At least 25% of what we sing is in Welsh (it's in our constitution) - often it's a lot more
  • Our Musical Director since 1994, Faleiry Koczkar OAM, is a native Welsh speaker
  • We hold weekly Welsh pronunciation classes and have been complimented on our pronunciation by audiences in Wales
  • Our appearances in the Welsh National Eisteddfod in 1999 and 2004 were the first by any expatriate Welsh choir since 1929
  • We have led the singing at Cymanfa Ganu Hymn Festivals held by the Welsh Church in Melbourne since our foundation
  • Every four years or so we go on a concert tour to Wales and sing with local choirs.
In our green jackets, dinner suits or black shirts, we have brought hwyl to audiences in Melbourne, Victoria (south-east Australia) and beyond since we were founded by seven Welshmen in 1980.

Upcoming Vic Welsh Performances
Cyngherddau ar Ddod

If you like Victoria Welsh Choir's recordings you will love the atmosphere and sheer hwyl at our concerts.  To make sure you don't miss us when we come to your part of Melbourne, Victoria or the world, watch this space.


Saturday 31 August 2.00pm

Saturday 31st August 2.00pm Vic Welsh Choir at St Mary's Worship Centre, 7-19 O'Shanassy St, Sunbury.

 Tickets $40, concession $35, available at www.trybooking.com/CTHFO.



Recent audience comments include:

Nothing like the mellowness of a male choir.

Have heard the choir before and I loved the performance so had to come again

Fantastic performance - made me nostalgic

Loved audience participation. Enjoyed stories and jokes.

Well done (as it always is).

So glad I finally made a performance.

Enjoy - Mwynhewch!

The rotating photos at the top of the screen are by Arts Photography Belinda.

Upcoming concerts

Book us for your fund-raiser

Buy our recordings
